Monday, July 31, 2023

JLPT vocabulary

JLPT vocabulary is a learning app.
There are five levels and thousands words.

You can also listen to the sound of the word.

This app is for learning Japanese.
At the beginning, you can choose the level and unit you want.
One unit contains 50 words.

At the end, you can know how many questions you got right or wrong.
You can also search you word you want to know.


鄰避設施:翻譯自英文的「NIMBY」,即「Not In My Back Yard」,意指居民對於某些公共設施或土地使用感到集體不滿的現象,認為這些設施可能對居住環境帶來負面影響,不論是心理層面或實質層面。然而,這些設施通常是地區正常運作所必需的一部分,因此很難完全避免。 從...