Saturday, April 17, 2021

sMOTP - A Simple Mobile One Time Password

sMOTP is a simple strong authentication solution for iOS. The solution is based on time synchronous one time passwords. It consists of a client component and a server component(available on 

An easy to use implementation of Mobile One Time Passwords (MOTP) see 



You will need to initialize the device first and write the Init-Secret into the appropriate user-record on the authentication server.

You are instructed to three methods :
1.scan a QR code. (authentication server generated secret ) 
2.randomly generated and sent to authentication server.
3.enter the secret key manually.

QR Code Example :

Generating OTPs:

When prompted to enter a sMOTP, You type in your PIN code(4 digit).sMOTP generates a one-time password.


1.Supports 4 digit PIN
2.Supports reload PIN by face id / touch id(if saved)
3.Support copy-to-clipboard
4.Secure your sMOTP Secret and PIN by face id after saved.
5.Secure your PIN if app move to background (30s for timeout)

You can set pause or generates a one-time password every 10 seconds

Support iPad and iPhone

Dark mode also good to use

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